Synchronizing logistics activities: how to obtain reactive processes and effective interactions

What approach is right to have in managing logistics yard activities? It is necessary, first of all, to plan and synchronize. This avoids ...

Sustainability and suppliers: tips for optimized qualification

The supplier qualification process is the series of activities aimed at ensuring that suppliers meet company-specific criteria and ...

The Crucial Role of Strategic Sourcing

In the current situation, with globalization, competitiveness and flexibility playing a crucial role in the activities of every company, the ...

How to find a company’s logistical inefficiencies

Lack of specific know-how, not enough fully qualified staff and missing up-to-date market information can lead to company inefficiency. This ...

Missing and obsolete information: critical issues in the Supply Chain

A company’s competitiveness on the market is now measured to a considerable extent according to its ability to manage logistics flows and ...

What to do about the Supply Chain when demand shrinks

Now more than ever it is important that companies have a strong supply chain, capable of withstanding critical and complex market ...

4 steps for optimizing purchasing power

The digitization of purchasing processes is now a “must” which has to match the pace of one of the factors slowing the uptake of these ...

How to build an effective and efficient supply chain, transforming production processes

The context in which organizations operate in the current international scenario may be defined with the acronym VUCA: volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. All of ...

Why is it important to have a supplier qualification process in the company?

Finding reliable suppliers is crucial to a company’s success and, if well structured, the qualification activity can really generate ...